London Lodge
Assisted Living
Contact Information
(920) 648 - 3171
London Lodge provides these services to the patient in this facility:
Assistance with Activities of Daily Living
Medication Management
Meal Preparation
Transportation to medical appointments
Leisure Time Activities
Contacts with Families & Communityh See
A cozy home in the woods for our family & yours
London Lodge is a family owned and operated assisted living facility that was started by Meg Pennewell in 1995. She is the licensee and administrator and operates London Lodge with her husband Casey and a fine, dedicated and experienced staff of Resident Care Professionals. London Lodge is comprised of two - eight bed community based residential facilities (CBRF's), located in a country setting in Cambridge, WI and a 4 unit Supported Home Care Apartment building located in Jefferson, WI.
I started London Lodge after working in a variety of long term care settings, such as: skilled nursing facilities, corporately owned CBRF's and a home health agency providing in home care to seniors. Through these experiences I decided that a place needed to be created that was home like, individualized and centered around the needs of the residents. A place that included nature, pets, wildlife and children. A setting reminiscent of family life. A place you could call home.
The setting at the Lodge was inspired by my grandparents' cabin located in northern Wisconsin. London Lodge is located 3 miles north of Cambridge and 4 miles south of Lake Mills, out in the country surrounded by nature. Our homes are nestled in among mature pines, bordered by a wildlife preserve and landscaped with perennials. We serve fresh fruits and vegetables grown on our property and have ample space for children to run and dogs to roam.
My husband and I work daily to maintain the ideals of a home that is unique, resident focused and family oriented. Our 3 children have grown up in this atmosphere and have developed in ways we could not have imagined. The life lessons they have experienced are unmeasurable. My grandparents, who owned the northern Wisconsin cabin lived out their final years at the Lodge. Passing on their legacy of love for nature to their great grandchildren and their commitment to family.
It is our sincere goal to care for all residents until the end of their lives, when appropriate additional nursing services and support staff through the involvement of Hospice are incorporated to allow us to fulfill this goal.
The need for long term care is not something any of us welcome, but fortunately there are places that understand how to make such an experience as easy as possible. I hope London Lodge is able to provide such an experience for your family.
Meg Pennewell