London Lodge
Assisted Living
Contact Information
(920) 648 - 3171
London Lodge is here to assist you with both long-term
or respite solutions, providing excellent and professionally
trained staff for live-in care.
In-Facility Services
The admiistrator arranges medical appointments, hair care services, communicates with families, social workers, nurses, other health care providers, clergy, and members of the community to keep residents engaged as much as possible with their support system. The administrator also provides transportation to medical appointments and purchases resident supplies as needed. All of the above services are included in the monthly cost of care except beautician services, pharmacy costs, incontinent supplies and private telephone usage. London Lodge does accept Family Care.
London Lodge II is able to accommodate individuals with advanced physical limitations. It is equipped with Hoyer lifts and stand up lifts, along with roll in showers and roll under counter tops in both bathrooms. Each lodge has a Wanderguard system to alert staff that a resident, who has been identified as a wanderer, is attempting to leave the building. All residents of a CBRF must be free of communicable diseases and not impose physical, verbal, or emotional abuse on staff or other residents.